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Lessons & Workshops

Let's work on your goals! Book a one on one lessons with BOMBAH, join a group workshop or get the best tutorials for your progress...


BOMBAH masterclasses have an open ethodology, flexible and innovative. She likes to give a lot of feedback and as many tips as possible so you can be autonomous in your practice and to keep improving by yourself afterwards. BombaH brakes up tricks into small steps adapted to you that will lead you to your goals.
BOMBA HACHE is a professional freestyle rollerskater and teacher whose dream is to share all the good things rollerskating has given her with you.

29+ year’s on wheels by practicing different disciplines such as figure skating, inline speed skating, rollerderby, freestyle…

10+ years’ experience as a rollerskating coach for kids and adults.

X3 times winner of International Spanish Cup by @fedpatinaje

X2 winner of Nantes Roller Festival ….

Certified Primary School teacher specialized in PE, Music, English and Special needs.

Master’s in technology and innovation in education

Certified Spanish teacher as a foreign language (master ELE)
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Check out in which country BOMBAH will be at next and book your individual lesson here, in our Shop or write us an email to info@bombahache.com

3 packs/options:
a) Individual lesson: 50 €
b) 5 lessons pack: 230 €
c) 10 lessons pack: 420 €

Terms and Conditions:
Helmet and knee pads are mandatory in lessons. No protection gear = no fun
To postpone your class, you will need to contact info@bombahache.com with a minimum of 72h before your booking.
Specify in subject: CANCELLATION CLASS MADRID (for ex)
Bookings are not refundable (refunds are only given in case cancellation comes from our end)


2 hours workshop with BOMBAH
usually 13 participants maximum
all over the world

Join a group workshop and bring your friends, let's have fun together!

LIMITED SPACES! Helmet required!
Tickets are not refundable, but they can be exchanged with another person interested.

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1) Are you a brand, company, corporation… interested in hiring a professional rollerskater? BombaH offers her services as a teacher and coach for workshops, shows at events, advertisement, filming, and promotion in social media.
Contact via email >>
2) Are you far away or have no time to join a class or workshop? BombaH has the solution for you! You can now book your personalized tutorial!

Choose an ability or skill from the list or send your special request. You just need to fill in a form to accept the terms, to answer some questions and to specify as much as you can what you want to learn. Remember the more you tell us the more personalized we can do your video.

BombaH will check your rollerskating through your social media or videos that you attach in the questionnaire and will make a super personalized tutorial for you to improve step by step.

Tutorials have no time minimun nor limit.
We guarantee you will learn new things and improve by following the steps.

Tutorials are for personal use only and they cannot be shared or posted in any social media nor through any mean of communication with others.

Tutorial ideas:
* Bases: forward, backwards, transitions, get speed, to stop
* Jumps and Spins
* Stalls (intro to grinds)
* Ramp tricks
* Pumping
* Drop ins
* Hand tricks

* Grinding
* Backsides
* Drop in variations
* Spins in and out of ramps
* Coping tricks
* Handstand or flips
* Toestop tricks
* Airs in and out of ramps

You can specify and ask for whatever trick or skill you’d like to learn!
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