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Terms & Conditions

Transfer of rights

All participants of classes and events with BH who contract their services are aware that they transfer their image rights, in accordance with European regulations in order to elaborate audiovisual and promotional material that could be used in BH's social networks and its website (sign form anyway).

The use of images and personal data of the participants in the activities is limited to what is defined in the previous paragraph being this concept aligned with what is stipulated by the legislation of the country where the activity takes place (Spain).

The use and collection of personal data is limited to the data strictly necessary for the proper development of the contracted activity and the material related to it, in accordance with the requirements of the European Parliament Regulation 2016/679 and the European Council dated April 27, 2016 on data protection regulating the processing and movement of data of natural persons and the free movement thereof within the member states of the European Union; and with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

By contracting the service, and being official from the effective date of enrollment in the same, the person assigns his/her image rights for the uses described in this section in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, to Personal and Family Privacy and to one's own image. Granting the natural person on their behalf, or as legal representative for those cases in which this figure contracts the activity on behalf of the minor or person legally under their guardianship, express consent for the use and dissemination of photographic images and videos collected during the development of the activity as part of the contracted packages, or for promotional purposes on any of the platforms/networks of BH.

Refund policy

– The use of helmet is mandatory for the development of any activity, understanding this requirement as basic and not being able to participate in the contracted service in case of omission by the participant, this not being a reason for refund of the amount paid.

– People who hire any service available on the platform understand the risks involved in the practice of sports. Therefore, by contracting the service they declare themselves aware and responsible for the acts and possible risks developed during the activity. We recommend the hiring of medical insurance to all participants.

– Products: Maximum return period of 30 calendar days from the date of purchase. In case of return of one or more products, the consumer will assume the shipping costs for this process. Garments must be delivered in perfect condition, complete and with original packaging in order for their return to be accepted.

– Services: There is a maximum period of 10 calendar days from the date of payment to be able to request a refund of 50% of the total amount of the contracted service, the remaining 50% will not be refunded under any circumstances (conditions on this amount described in the paragraph below). This policy stems from the nature of the service being personalized and with limited places.

– The non-refundable 50% can be transferred to another person interested in the same, attaching prior written agreement between both parties. In case of maintaining the service and not wishing to transfer the place to another user, the deposit may be kept for one year provided that notice is given at least two months in advance.
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